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✈️ How To Survive A Plane Crash
ALSO: Calm Your Anxiety, Flip A Virtual Coin, and More
Welcome back, Life Hackers
Ready to supercharge your day? You've come to the right place! Every weekday, we bring you simple, genius tips to make life easier and more fun.
If you’re only going to read one thing today make it this:
There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.
What you’ll learn today:
Calm Your Anxiety
Up Your Airplane Survival Rate
Flip A Virtual Coin
5 Helpful Links
Pic Of The Day

434. Calm Your Anxiety
Ever feel anxiety creeping up on you?
Here's a calming thought: Anxiety isn't about thinking of the future; it's about trying to control it.
And controlling the future is IMPOSSIBLE.
So, take a deep breath, let go of the need to control, and focus on the present moment. You’ll feel much better!
435. Up Your Airplane Survival Rate
Next time you book a flight, avoid the back seats!
Studies show that sitting at the back of an airplane can increase your chances of injury in an accident.
The front third has a 38% fatality rate, while the back third has a 32% rate.
For a safer trip, try to snag a seat towards the front. Safe travels!
436. Flip A Virtual Coin
Need to make a quick decision but don’t have a coin?
Google’s got you covered!
Just search "coin flip" on Google, and you'll get a virtual coin that uses a “math random” function to give you an accurate heads or tails.
Plus, the cool little graphic makes it feel like you’re flipping a real coin. Decision made easy!

Today’s Helpful Links
How to Get a Free Car If You Really Can’t Afford One (LINK)
How to Convince Your Brain to Change Your Habits and Your Life (LINK)
Avoid This Airline If You Don’t Want to Be Bumped From Your Flight (LINK)
65 Pumpkin Recipes That Are Perfect in Every Way (LINK)
15 High-Protein Desserts That Will Satisfy Any Late-Night Craving (LINK)

Pic Of The Day

That’s all for today. I hope your day is at least a little bit better after reading this. Have a great weekend! 😊
- Keith
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